An opportunity to present your latest and greatest technology to
over 500 of San Diego’s tech leaders, and a chance to win the title of
“Greatest Gadget 2009!”
If your company, large or small, has an innovative technology,
application or gadget, this competition is your chance to get the word out!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
4:30PM – Registration & Trade Show Exhibits Open / Networking / Refreshments
6:00PM – Greatest Gadget Competition and Program Begins
7:30PM – Greatest Gadget Competition and Program Concludes
7:30PM – CommNexus Executive Dinner (invitation-only)
GadgetFest Tradeshow – Qualcomm’s S Cafe
Greatest Gadget Competition – Irwin M. Jacobs Qualcomm Hall
5775 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
$45.00 – Pre-Registration
Please Pre-Register by Noon on November 2, 2009
$50.00 – At-The-Door